Welcome Home, Reid! (San Diego March events)

March 8-10 2019 San Diego Extravaganza

I’m so honored and excited to be bringing Reid Mihalko back to San Diego, March 8-10!

San Diego was the first place that I ever had the courage to step up and teach. Reid was the person who found me in my repressed, religious, held back, traumatized space (in Utah) and slowly encouraged me to see the me that he did, the person who I was deep down under all the stories and belief systems that others had given me, that I was enough.

He helped me to reclaim my voice and then I realized that I had a passion and a gift in being a Facilitator. He took a chance and said “yes” to teaching with me (9 years ago in the very house that we will be teaching in!) .

Reid has taken a year off from teaching and I’m so happy to be the one who gets to welcome him back.

We are offering some of our favorite subjects and playgrounds and I would like to invite you to JOIN ALL OF OUR JUICY EVENTS IN SAN DIEGO!!!