Peter Petersen

Peter Petersen (and Monique Darling)

When we first met I was impressed by her giant personality and ability to keep an audience’s interest. She did it with ease and grace and comedy. She knew how to get a laugh and infused levity into teaching. It made me more interested in what she was sharing. She’s got her own way. She is one of those people who will make you laugh but not trying to make you laugh. She can draw a smile and a giggle being her magnanimous self and being sweet and open.

Her gift is getting other people to open up and to take down the masks that society demands. Some people will walk in scared, reserved, very unsure of what is going on. They don’t know what to expect. Afterwards they have this glow. People look younger, happier and more relaxed. It’s an inner and outer glow and happiness after events. We get people from some events who come back again and again. They follow us. They get a taste of what classes offer and hunger for more. They want more of these feelings. We want you to take these skills home with you. It’s called Everyday Tantra. Doing these activities everyday. Not putting it on the shelf.

We want participants to ask — how can I incorporate this into a normal life?